On our drive to Townsville from Innisfail we drove through Ingham where we stopped for a rest. We realised we weren’t far from Wallaman Falls, the tallest waterfall in Australia! We found somewhere to ditch park the van for a few hours and drove inland to have a look. The road to the falls is steep and not recommended for caravans. There’s a lookout at the top of the falls. Thank goodness, because we were not prepared for a hike to the bottom that day. The hike was something like two or three hours return. We would have had mutiny on our hands if we’d tried it.
The falls are spectacular. The kids were enthralled to see the water turn to mist before it hit the bottom.
The falls are 268 metres high. I took a picture of the sign with this
nerdy handsome man so I’d remember. I don’t know if you could swim in the waterhole at the bottom, but the kids kept remarking over the pool depth. Twenty metres is quite deep!
Unfortunately the day we were there it was hazy. I don’t know if it was a bush fire or controlled burning, but the smoke was blowing into the gorge. You can see it in the waterfall pictures, but especially in these pics overlooking the valley.
It’s okay, you can say it. My kids are the cutest kids ever.
More cuteness. TurboBug was pointing out letters on the signs and ‘reading’ them. Not that he really knows any of them.
We often see cattle roadsigns, but it isn’t often that they are actually on the road. This was one of those times!
After viewing the falls we headed back to Ingham, picked up the van, and headed on our way to Townsville. This little side trip added quite a bit to our journey that day, but now we can say we’ve seen the tallest waterfall in Australia!
Wallaman Falls, Tallest Waterfall in Oz!
posted in: Queensland
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