We’d heard about the Remarkable Cave on the Tasman Peninsula, but when we got there we saw a sign for a lookout that we didn’t know about. The Maingon Bay Lookout was one of my favourite lookouts ever. There’s no way to convey how amazing it is through pictures. You’re just going to have to go there yourself!
Here’s a close-up of Cape Raoul in the distance. See all the pinnacles and towers? There’s a walk you can do to the cape but it was 5-hour return with warnings of hazardous cliffs and unprotected track edges. Not the best choice for us right now.
The waves hitting against the rocks were spectacular to watch.
I just had such a feeling of peace here, watching the ocean swell and recede, listening to the sounds of the waves.
Bonus toddler picture.
After not nearly long enough at this lookout we made our way over to the trail for the Remarkable Cave. Um, it turns out it wasn’t really a trail. Just steps, lots of steps. Steps that would have to be climbed up again on our way out.
Can you tell why it’s remarkable?
See that shape that the cave makes? It’s the shape of Tasmania. Remarkable!
TurboBug always gets the most comfy ride. It’s also a good way to contain him so we aren’t chasing a toddler all over the place.
I wish I’d taken a picture of that sign. It had an old photograph on it showing people from decades ago sitting on a big boulder (still there in front of us, you can see part of it in one of the photos above) enjoying the view of the cave.
We’d been looking forward to playing in the water. I’d read reviews about the hike that said you could go into the cave at low tide. But they’ve built a walkway now, probably to keep anyone from venturing in at high tide.
And here we go…
How do kids always have so much energy? She just bounded up the steps.
This was a short, lovely walk that’s a must-do if you ever somehow find yourself on the Tasman Peninsula!
The Remarkable Cave on the Tasman Peninsula
posted in: Tasmania
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