After Longford we made our way to a free camp in Scottsdale. During our stay there we drove up to Bridport on the northern coast to have a wander on the beach. It was a lovely beach. Too cold for a swim but great for exploring. The tiny mussels made beautiful patterns on the rocks. I love to watch my kids exploring. All of them are in this picture below, each in separate spots and in their own little worlds. They had to climb the giant rock. I love this picture of JitterBug helping LadyBug to the top. I made them wait while I backed up for a better view. Then Dad had to join them. Poor TurboBug didn’t make it up there. He found his own rock to climb. 🙂 Much exploring done that day. I heart Tasmania! I wish I’d taken a picture of the sign near the carpark that showed an old picture of a gathering on the beach. All the men and ladies in their formal clothing celebrating something or other. I found myself comparing the scenery in the pictures to what was in front of me. We drove around a bit more but this beach was the best part of that day.
The Beach at Bridport, Tas
posted in: Tasmania
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