Marlston Tower & the Bunbury Lighthouse

My WA posts have gotten all out of order.  I’ve discovered that it’s better for me at the moment to just post what I’ve got ready rather than try to keep everything in the order that we’ve seen it.  Otherwise I tend to get stuck on a post and don’t move forward.  So the rest of these WA post are just going to be jumping around a bit.  The only problem is I’m getting confused about what I’ve posted and … Read More

Point Moore Lighthouse, Geraldton

Geraldton has one of those iconic lighthouses.  Those red and white stripes can’t be missed.  It’s only about 5km from the centre of Geraldton and has a busy beach across the road. The light house was built in Britain and shipped to Point Moore.  The sign gives detail of its history, when they went to erect the lighthouse they realised the foundation had been laid in the wrong place and had to start all over.  The lighthouse had 60+ keepers … Read More

Sea Urchins at Knobby Head

Geraldton was the first sizeable city we’d seen since Darwin.  While we were there we managed to get to a few things on our list, including a haircut for LadyBug and TurboBug.  Isn’t LadyBug’s hair the cutest?  She’d been asking to have it cut off for awhile but we wanted her to be sure since for more than a year she’s been saying she wanted to grow it as long as Rapunzel.  When it was TurboBug’s turn the hairdresser commented … Read More

Staircase to the Moon

Or maybe this post should be called ‘Our Attempts to See the Staircase to the Moon in Broome’.  There are actually several places along the west coast where you can see the staircase to the moon, but the best known is Broome.  There would only be three nights while we were in Broome that we would have a chance to see it.  The first night we grabbed some fish ‘n chips and headed to a hotel that has a prime … Read More

Sunset at Cable Beach

Cable Beach is one of those famous beaches in Australia.  White sand for ages, warm water…it’s too perfect. We hadn’t been to the beach in ages.  We’d had a nice sunset in Darwin, but no beach play because, well, it was Darwin.  Croc country.  So we hadn’t had a proper beach day since…somewhere on the east coast.  Months. (Do you feel sorry for us yet?) Our first visit to Cable Beach had little TurboBug (2) sooooo excited.  There are steps … Read More

Gantheaume Point, Broome

One of the places on our list to visit in Broome was Gantheaume Point because there are dinosaur footprints in the rocks near the shore.  How exciting!  You can only see them at very low tides so we tried to time our visit with one of the lower tides during the week.  I had no idea what awaited us other than I knew there were some fake dinosaur footprint casts so that there would be something to see even if … Read More

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