Katherine Hot Springs
You really shouldn’t come to Katherine without a visit to the hot springs. Don’t miss it. The water is beautiful and clear. I’ve heard it can be incredibly crowded but one of the advantages of being here at the end of the season is that there aren’t as many tourists. We swam in the hot springs on three different occasions, two on our first visit to Katherine as we were going north to Darwin and once on our way back through before heading west. There’s a set of stairs leading down to the springs and the kids were quite put off by the crocodile warning sign at the top. Once you get down there you realise a crocodile would have no chance of hiding in this clear water. During the wet season I’m sure it’s a different story, we’re told the area floods and the river with its resident crocodiles is just over the hill. There are different areas to explore, this waterfall was a favourite. We all had turns going over it, even TurboBug (2) on a boogie board. This was the only section with deep water. Most places I could touch the bottom except right near the waterfall.
There was enough movement in the springs that you could let the current carry you.
I walked up to the top of the trail to see where the springs come out. There’s no access for swimming up here but I’m sure that doesn’t stop everyone.
Look how fast the springs move! It’s just such a beautiful spot.
The water is so clear, especially the places where there are no people around to stir up the rocks and mud on the bottom. LadyBug (5) especially had fun collecting rocks off the bottom. She’d bring them up and give them to TurboBug (2) who would carefully place them on her boogie board.
Some jumping had to happen, there was that one deep pool and a wall perfect for jumping from. On our next trip they jumped off the other side landing in the deepest section near the waterfall.
We were told that this place can be very, very crowded at times. We were lucky to not have huge crowds while we were there.
See JitterBug (8) at the top of this picture, under the water? He spent so much time in that area. He was playing some sort of game where he’d attack the roots under the water and then catch whatever came out (mostly loosened plant material), I think he was pretending he was a crocodile. There were a few fish in here but not many.
On our last visit we had our snorkels. See all the bubbles from the waterfall? It was magical swimming through there with a mask on. The bubbles felt so amazing and tingly.
We stayed at the Boab Caravan Park. It’s a small park that only allows caravans and camper trailers, no tents. It was very clean and had an open grassy area for the kids to run around in. All the sites had concrete slabs, which is nice after camping in dirt. There is a boab tree there as you’d guess from the name, but it’s surrounded by concrete and buildings, poor tree. There are some boabs in the NT though they become more common as you move west.
Insert random toddler picture (taken in Katherine). Every once in a while I get a good smile out of this guy!
One of the memorable parts of our stay in Katherine was watching the bats soar overhead every night at dusk. We are not strangers to bats leaving for their nightly feed but I’m pretty sure this was more than I’d ever seen at once. So many of them flying overhead, it was such a sight to see!
Nitmiluk National Park Visitor Centre
After our lovely, hot walk to the Baruwei Lookout we headed back to the visitor centre to cool off a bit. Actually, it wasn’t particularly cool in there but at least it was out of the sun! All the kids had to have a good look at the handprints on the wall.
We spent a bit of time looking around, there were a few displays and a video to watch. I hate to say it, but we weren’t that impressed which is why I don’t have a lot of pictures. The visitor centre is in need of some love. It wasn’t terrible, but for how well known this place is we were expecting more.
So we made our whole day memorable by treating ourselves to ice cream! Getting ice cream at these touristy spots isn’t cheap when you are buying for six people so we don’t do it all that often.
On the way out I happened to notice this display case with an Olympic torch in it. Looks like the torch came through here before the Sydney Olympic Games in 2000. The sign says a 12yo schoolgirl carried the torch at the bow of a boat.
That ends our quick visit to Katherine Gorge. Cruising the gorge would have been fun but it was out of our price range for this trip. We did make one more stop in Nitmiluk National Park to visit Edith Falls but we didn’t make it there until after our trip to Darwin.
Katherine Gorge – Baruwei Lookout
Near the town of Katherine is Nitmiluk National Park. Actually, until we got closer I’d only heard of it referred to as Katherine Gorge. The entrance to the park is just 30km outside of Katherine. We did one short walk while we were there, it was too hot to do much else. We stopped in the visitor centre on the way in and they told us that if it was 30 degrees there, then it would be 40 degrees up on the escarpment. So we quickly took off for our walk to the Baruwei Lookout before it got too hot. The Katherine River has carved a series of deep gorges, there are thirteen in total. You can do cruises to see some of them, or long walks to see others. The lookout walk is part of a longer loop, we started near the visitor centre. Did I mention it was hot?
The walk to the lookout isn’t long but it has a steep set of stairs. Lots of stairs. They told us at the visitor centre that the walk was about forty minutes return.
At the top you are rewarded with beautiful views. Of course, that’s really the point of hiking to a lookout! This is only the first gorge. Swimming wasn’t allowed in this one though some of the others were open for swimming. There is some danger of crocs here though I don’t think that’s the only reason they close the gorges. This time of year the water levels are getting lower.
It was too hot to wait for this little guy to navigate all those steps. After he was tucked back into his spot we headed back down to the visitor centre to cool off.
After seeing those canoes in the gorge we looked into canoe rental but discovered they only allowed two people per canoe, so that wouldn’t work for us. Our trip to Katherine Gorge was going to be a short one!
A Quick Tour of Our Caravan
So now that we’ve been on the road for many months, maybe it’s time for a tour of the inside of our caravan! We have a Bailey Pegasus Ancona, it’s a European six-berth on-road van. It’s lightweight, we could tow it with the car we already owned. It was made in the UK to be sold in Australia which means it is made to Aussie standards. So yes, we even have Aussie plugs inside! Those who buy their European vans and import them do not, this is a question we get sometimes. We’re happy with our van, we bought it new here in Australia through a place in Melbourne after seeing it at a caravan show. When you come in the van you are greeted by our map of Australia. It looks so fresh and clean here! We had to trim it to make it fit this space and all the edges are curling up now. We also (finally) traced our route on it, I’ll have to post an updated picture. I think I’ll eventually purchase a new copy of this poster and trace our route on it so that we can hang it up when we are in a house again.
Looking straight ahead as you come in the door are the triple bunk beds. Each bed has a window and a light at the head of the bed. The kids all have toy bins and book baskets at the foot of the bed and pockets at the head of the bed to store all their goodies in. They’ve hung pictures and glow-in-the-dark stars and made these their bedrooms. On the left you can see the curtain thingy that we close at night. Those are their towels hanging on the right which will make more sense in the next picture.
This is looking toward the back of the van with the door to the van on the right, just out of the picture. Their robes and jackets hang on hooks next to the bunk beds, their towels hang on the ensuite door. LadyBug’s necklaces are there too because a certain toddler kept getting into them and we had to move them out of his reach.
Next to the triple bunks is a large cupboard for hanging clothes. We found some drawers that fit perfectly and use those for all the kids’ clothes. The bottom cupboard holds shoes. We keep thongs and crocs outside in a basket, but runners and any others go inside.
There’s a tiny bit of hanging space at either side, we hang up our church clothes and that’s it. The adult jackets have a home in here too. Once upon a time I printed some cute labels for these drawers but that must have been after I took this picture. That middle small drawer holds hats, bike gloves, and mismatched socks. Because somehow even living in a caravan we end up with orphan socks. The top small drawer has extra towels and wipes and miscellaneous things. That leaves us four big drawers, one for each kid. They needed clothing for all seasons and this was the best way for us to do it. We were so pleased to find those drawers that fit these cupboards so perfectly!
I seem to be moving counter-clockwise, so next is our spacious kitchen! The oven is large enough to cook a roast in and has a broiler, many caravans only have a half oven. We wanted the full oven, but later we bought a Weber BabyQ so that isn’t as important as we thought it would be. Anything you’d cook in an oven you can do on a BabyQ, even birthday cake! My biggest gripe about this van is the size of the fridge- this is a six-berth van and a bar fridge is inadequate. We’ve survived, we don’t have an extra fridge that’s kept in the car as so many travellers do. We just have to do our shopping every few days or we end up with too much to fit in the fridge. In the cupboards above the sink we store dishes, tea towels, small pantry items, and cooking utensils. Pans go in a storage compartment under the stove.
After the kitchen we move into the lounge. This was one of the features that sold us on this van. We have room to gather here as a family, there’s room for all of us to sit. We can set up the folding table for meals or schoolwork, we can put it away to make a comfortable area for watching a movie or playing. We have windows all around and a skylight above making this van very light-filled, it’s wonderful to have so much natural light in a caravan. The shades and curtains fully block out the light and the van, being made in Europe, is very well insulated since it’s made for those European winters. The insulation makes a huge difference, keeping the van cooler in the heat and warmer in the cold weather. We even have central heating, which has come in very handy in some of the places we’ve been! (cough, Canberra, cough)
Behind that back cushion is a ledge where we store toys and books for TurboBug so that he can easily reach them. The other end of the ledge has a plug which we use as our main charging station. Books and other things find their way here, too.
Next to the lounge, again moving counter-clockwise around the van is another large cupboard. It’s a really deep cupboard, it holds school work and games. The TV is right at the end of the lounge which works well, we just have to put it down on a cushion when we travel. Believe it or not, this is the first microwave we’ve had since moving to Australia more than five years ago. We do use it some, mostly for quick oatmeal or frozen vegies. 🙂 That little cupboard above the microwave holds our small printer. It’s certainly not as convenient to have to pull the thing down and set it up every time you want to print, but our printing needs have reduced drastically since we’ve been on the road! (You can see the printer in the next picture.) See the Lego? JitterBug saw me taking pictures and hurried to give his Lego a prominent spot in the pic!
To the left of the TV is the dinette. This means that when our lounge table is stowed away we still have a table to sit at. All of us don’t fit around it, but the kids can all fit at once. It’s a perfect place to do some work if we can just keep it clean. It easily becomes a dumping ground because it’s just inside the door. Under these seats we’ve stored books, art supplies, and some other odds and ends. The cabinets above the dinette serve as our pantry. (Pretend that mirror isn’t covered in fingerprints, okay?)
This dinette even converts into a bed. We’ve only used it that way when the kids have been sick, it’s an easier way to reach them, they can feel pampered, plus we can turn the TV around and they can occupy themselves watching movies while their tummy hurts. If we needed a bed for TurboBug this would work but either we’d lose our dinette or we’d have to make up the bed for him. For now he just sleeps with us, our bed is a king-size and there’s plenty of room. Did I mention that lovely lounge up above is also our bed? We have to make it up each night but it works for us.
Now we’ve come all the way around to the back of the van again, so I may as well show you the ensuite! It’s a full ensuite with a toilet and shower. There’s a tall corner cabinet and another cupboard under the sink. Those white poles with the black knobs are the anti-flap kit for the awning, we store them in here (they are velcro’d to the wall) when we are not using them.
Believe it or not this shower is big enough to fit inside and even turn around in! Unfortunately we don’t use it a lot since it’s also where we store our washing machine. If we are in a caravan park it’s often easier to just use the amenities.
There’s seriously no bench space in this bathroom. They fixed that in the next year’s model but that doesn’t help us! See that cutting board above the window? I place that across the sink when I need to deal with my contact lenses or so I have a spot to put my makeup. The mirror is also in a crazy spot so we put a small, unbreakable mirror above the window.
Of course the van is always completely spotless as it is in the above pictures. Right. Bombs, otherwise known as children, seem to set themselves off in here on a regular basis. I couldn’t believe it when I walked in and saw this, I had to take a picture of the crazy mess. At least it’s easy to clean up, since the kitchen and the lounge and the kids’ bedrooms are just steps apart. 🙂
I took these pictures ages and ages ago, I’d nearly forgot I had them. Maybe one of these days I’ll post some pictures of the insides of the cupboards so you can see how we keep ourselves somewhat organised. It’s hard to believe we’ve been living in our van for a year now. We’ve fully adjusted to it although there are days when the van feels very, very small with six of us in it!
A Quick Swim in Bitter Springs
On our way to Katherine we made a quick stop near Mataranka to swim in the Bitter Springs. It’s just off the main highway and it’s such a lovely place. The water is so clear and the perfect temperature. You hop in at one end and let the springs carry you to the other end. You can hop back out and walk up the trail or you can try your luck at swimming against the current. I have more pictures from this day but I’ll have to put them in a later post as they are from a different camera and not on my computer at the moment. I just wanted to quickly post these pictures. It was a little hidden paradise in there, such a wonderful stop. We didn’t want to leave!
The Devil’s Marbles – Karlu Karlu
If you drive the Stuart Highway you literally can’t miss the Devil’s Marbles since the highway cuts right through them. When we drove south after our stay in Tennant Creek we oooh’d and ahhh’d at the sight and made plans to stop here on our way back north. I really had my heart set on camping here for a night because the sunset hitting these rocks is supposed to be beautiful. During peak season this campground fills by early afternoon. Since we were there at the end of the season we didn’t have to worry about claiming a spot and shared the campground with only about ten other caravans, motorhomes, and camper trailers. There aren’t any formal walking tracks through the marbles, you just follow the footprints of all the other people who have been there before you.
Karlu Karlu is huge, over 1800 hectares but most people (including us) only see a small portion of it. The marbles extend out in the distance quite some way.
Ownership of the land was only given back to the traditional owners in 2008. It was immediately leased back to the government and is now jointly managed. There are four aboriginal groups in the area, they all call this place Karlu Karlu which translates to ‘round boulders’.
This lovely lizard was not afraid of us at all. We nearly didn’t see him, he blends into the rock so, so well.
This picture was an accident, taken while trying to get a closeup of that lizard. I love it, though, the way you can see all the marbles in the background.
The rocks are all different shades of red depending on how the light is hitting them. It would be lovely to walk through here all day and see the rocks at all different hours of the day.
We didn’t climb the taller piles of marbles, there are signs around asking you not to climb due to the cultural significance of the area. Those are other tourists on the rocks in this picture, with TurboBug walking on the ground. It’s nearly impossible not to end up on some of the rocks that offer a gradual ascent so we did end up on top of some rocks here and there.
And now I bring you picture after picture of the lovely Devil’s Marbles…
Of course the campground wouldn’t be complete without a little information on the rock formations and how they were formed.
The sunset was gorgeous, of course. Beautiful silhouettes and gorgeous hues on the rocks.
There’s our home! Can you believe that when we are travelling we can fit all that stuff in the van? All the camping chairs, the mat, the grill, the three tubs, the boogie boards. Those three tubs hold beach gear and outside toys, beach towels and swimwear, and the mat and sullage hoses.
That night we laid out under the stars and enjoyed the sheer number of them so visible in the night sky away from everything. After this we are still heading north, our next stop we’ll be the furthest north that we’ve been in Australia!