A Happy Surprise: Baby Kangaroo Joeys in Pemberton!

The day we arrived in Pemberton we stopped into the visitor centre for some information.  We were so surprised to find a room full of kangaroo joeys all curled up in baskets. A woman had been bottle feeding them, had worked her way through all but one so they’d all just had a nice feed and were very content to lounge in their comfy baskets.  There were some leaves around to feed them but they weren’t real keen since they’d … Read More

A Visit to the Drive-In Movies in Perth!

In Western Australia there are heaps of outdoor cinemas.  It seems that every town has one.  We found out that in Perth there was a good old-fashioned drive-in theatre that often plays family movies during school holidays.  We’d been comtemplating seeing the new Star Wars movie while in Perth but it was going to be pricey and we weren’t sure what to do about the younger two, it looked like Sean would be taking just the older boys.  We were … Read More

Point Moore Lighthouse, Geraldton

Geraldton has one of those iconic lighthouses.  Those red and white stripes can’t be missed.  It’s only about 5km from the centre of Geraldton and has a busy beach across the road. The light house was built in Britain and shipped to Point Moore.  The sign gives detail of its history, when they went to erect the lighthouse they realised the foundation had been laid in the wrong place and had to start all over.  The lighthouse had 60+ keepers … Read More

Our Australia Day in Margaret River

Several weeks ago I got some lovely Aussie temporary tattoos for the kids in anticipation of Australia Day.  I hid them away so they’d be a surprise.  Nearly a week past the holiday we still haven’t found them.  They’re in the van somewhere, they’ll show up eventually and we’ll have a nice surprise.  The day before the holiday I grabbed some of the yellow & green ones that were on sale so we survived.  (Yes, survived.  How do you survive … Read More

The Perth Zoo, part one

For Christmas we got ourselves a membership to the Melbourne Zoo, which gives us a reciprocal membership to several zoos around the country, including the Perth Zoo.  It was definitely summer while we were in Perth so we checked the weather forecast and chose the coolest day to head to the zoo.  It was still quite warm and we were so glad we hadn’t chosen an even hotter day.  The zoo is located very much in the middle of the … Read More

Random Cuteness

After we visited the Perth Mint we stopped in at Nando’s for a quick bite before getting back on the train.  I ended up across the table from little TurboBug and I thought he just might fall asleep there. He was so tired and it was the cutest thing.  Dada started playing with him which is probably all that kept him awake until the food came. There’s that dimple. My boy sitting next to me put his head down too … Read More

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