The Pinnacles: Nambug National Park

posted in: Western Australia

The Pinnacles were definitely on our list of places to visit in Western Australia.  They feature in the book Are We There Yet? but the illustration had the kids fooled.  From the drawing they had the idea that there were only a few rock formations, they were in for a pleasant surprise.  First we stopped into the Discovery Centre at Nambug National Park for a quick look.  Then we headed down the short path to see how much we could … Read More

The Lobster Shack in Cervantes

posted in: Western Australia

Our last stop before Perth was Cervantes.  We had a few nights there before heading to Perth for the holidays.  Cervantes is a small town right on the coast, a couple of hours north of Perth.  There was a lovely playground just outside the caravan park.  Once school was out for the year quite a few families started showing up which was an odd feeling for us.  Most of the families we’ve seen in WA have been travelling down the … Read More

Sea Urchins at Knobby Head

posted in: Western Australia

Geraldton was the first sizeable city we’d seen since Darwin.  While we were there we managed to get to a few things on our list, including a haircut for LadyBug and TurboBug.  Isn’t LadyBug’s hair the cutest?  She’d been asking to have it cut off for awhile but we wanted her to be sure since for more than a year she’s been saying she wanted to grow it as long as Rapunzel.  When it was TurboBug’s turn the hairdresser commented … Read More

Fannie Bay Gaol in Darwin

posted in: Northern Territory

I found this old post from Darwin that I guess I hadn’t finished… I can’t remember how we heard about the Fannie Bay Gaol while we were in Darwin, but we decided it would be good to go have a look.  Entry is by donation so it’s an affordable family attraction.  We thought it would be good for the kids to go inside the prison cells and learn a little about prison life.  This is probably one of those places … Read More

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