Catching the Ferry to Bruny Island

posted in: Tasmania

Our next stop after exploring Hobart was Bruny Island.  We were all looking really forward to this.  Before staying in Snug we had spent a couple of nights in Triabunna with the intention of visiting Maria Island.  (Which is pronounced muh-RYE-uh.  Because we are in Australia and they like to do their own thing when it comes to pronunciation.)  When we got there we decided it was just not in our budget, it cost too much for a day-trip for … Read More

Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens, part two

posted in: Tasmania

Part one is here. The gardens are right next to the Tasman Bridge.  I was hoping for a glimpse of the bridge to get a good picture but the gardens aren’t really set up for that view.  We did manage to find a spot with a bit of a view, over the fence and between the trees. The gardens are broken into several different main areas, with many paths and a different feel to each area. I wish I could … Read More

Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens

posted in: Tasmania

I love how they get to put ‘royal’ in front of things here.  It makes it sound very official, like it’s received a special distinction.  I don’t know if the Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens ever have received any kind of special award, but they sure deserve it.  They are magnificent!  The gardens were founded in 1818, which means they have some awesome mature trees.  This one is the biggest in the park, a Wellingtonia or Big Tree native to California.  … Read More

That Chocolate Factory

posted in: Tasmania

In Hobart there’s this chocolate factory.  You know the one.  Way back when we were considering whether we’d be able to do Tasmania during our ‘one-year trip’ (as the kids call it) I was looking at things to do and found out there was a chocolate factory here.  So it’s been on our list for awhile.  We were all ready to go on a Saturday morning and then discovered the visitor centre isn’t open on the weekends.  (Fortunately we figured … Read More

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