Sydney Olympic Park

posted in: New South Wales

Sydney Olympic Park is rather large! We’d read that there are something like 35 km of bike trails there, so we decided to load up the bikes and have a look.  It would have taken over an hour on to get there by train but less than thirty minutes driving, and there is plenty of parking there, so we decided to make the drive.  When we travel we have four bikes on top of the car and one, Ladybug’s, in … Read More

The Powerhouse Museum in Sydney

posted in: New South Wales

With our Melbourne Museum membership there are several museums around the country that we can get into for free.  I think there were three in Sydney, but we only went to the Powerhouse Museum.  We came straight to Sydney from Canberra and we were all museum-ed out.  :)  We weren’t quite sure what to expect a this museum, they have everything from a hands-on science section to a history of underwear display to a Wiggles exhibit.  Quite the variety.  To … Read More

Cockatoo Island

posted in: New South Wales

We needed an excuse to ride the ferry.  Okay, not really, but having a destination is a good idea rather than randomly riding the ferries around with kids.  So Cockatoo Island it was!  Being on the water gives you such a good view of the bridge and the opera house. There’s a sticker or something on JitterBug’s forehead.  It isn’t your computer screen! Hey, look, we were inside that pylon!  We walked across that bridge!  If you zoom out on … Read More

SYdney: Climbing the Bridge

posted in: New South Wales

Okay, we didn’t really get to do the bridge climb.  For the official climb you have to be at least 10 years old, which is only half of us.  Plus, it’s pricey.  I hope all the kids will do it one day, and Sean and I would love to also, so hopefully we’ll all get the chance on some future trip. Instead we climbed to the Pylon Lookout, which was the perfect way for us to experience the Sydney Harbour … Read More

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