Isabella Falls, Cape York

posted in: Queensland

Cooktown is as far north as we are travelling on Cape York.  While it would be an adventure to go all the way to the tip it would also be quite a journey.  A dusty one, requiring a 4WD that we’d have to hire along with camping gear.  Or pay for a tour, but finding a tour for a family of six is difficult and pricey.  We’ve heard the trip takes something like twenty hours.  That’s a long journey to … Read More

Grassy Hill & The Cooktown Lighthouse

posted in: Queensland

After Mulambin we drove several days in a row to get all the way up to Cooktown.  It was tiring, driving for several hours and staying for just one night at our stops along the way.  Cooktown is as far north as the sealed road goes, so this is as far north as we will be going on this trip.  The plan is to make our way back down the coast as far as Mackay, then we’ll head inland all … Read More

Town of 1770

posted in: Life in a Caravan

On the way to Mulambin we made a quick stop in the town 1770.  I’ve always been curious about the town but it has always been soooo far away on the map.  But suddenly we were nearby!  We decided to stop in for a quick look.  The town is called 1770 after the year that Captain Cook landed there.  It was the first place he landed in Queensland.   It turned out to be a holiday spot.  A beautiful one.  … Read More

Bluff Point Walk in Mulambin, QLD

posted in: Queensland

Is this not the prettiest kookaburra ever?  He looks so soft and fluffy.  🙂 While in Mulambin we did the Bluff Point walk.   We’d read you could get a 360 degree view of the area and see turtles swimming in the ocean.  Sounds good! The trail does a circuit and we soon found out it’s one of those popular fitness tracks.  You can choose your direction and do the steep part first or last.  We opted to do the steep … Read More

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