Aboriginal Rock Art at Split Rock

posted in: Queensland

Does this count as a roadsign for my collection?  Not exactly what you think of as Australian animals, but we see a lot of these signs!  So far up this way we’ve seen wandering cattle, but no sheep yet. After Cooktown we spent a night in nearby Lakeland so that we could make a quick visit over to Laura to see the Aboriginal rock art at Split Rock.  (I never know whether I’m supposed to capitalise Aboriginal, I see it … Read More

All those historic sites in Cooktown

posted in: Queensland

Cooktown is as far north as we made it on Cape York.  This is about as far as the bitumen goes.  I was expecting to see a town that catered to 4WD adventures and such, but instead it felt very much like many other small Aussie towns.  Lots of historic sites in Cooktown.  This is a fountain in memoriam of Mary Watson, the very definition of irony since she died from lack of water after an Aboriginal attack. This one … Read More

Black Mountain & Keatings Lagoon

posted in: Queensland

Not too far from Cooktown are a couple of mountains covered in heaps and heaps of black rocks.  It looks like at some point in the past it must have rained black rocks all over these mountains.  It’s named…are you ready? Black Mountain National Park.  Because, you know, the mountains look black. You can’t really hike the mountain, you can only observe it from the lookout.  Underneath all those rocks there can be gaps and people have been injured in … Read More

The James Cook Museum in Cooktown

posted in: Queensland

While in Cooktown we had to visit the James Cook Museum.  It was a must-see on our list.  I’d read that it was one of the best small museums in Queensland, so I was really looking forward to it.  So much history to take in here! The museum is in an old convent built in the late 1800s.  Part of the museum is dedicated to the history of the convent.  I wish I had a picture of the staircases inside.  … Read More

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