Winton’s Musical Fence

posted in: Queensland

The morning we left Winton we had a quick look at the Musical Fence.  I’m so glad we did. I wasn’t quite sure what to expect.  I was picturing something like this (which ran around the outside of the area), where you could run a stick along it and make music on a fence.  But that by itself didn’t sound too special, you can do that with nearly any fence. I’d heard you could play music on the fence.  That’s … Read More

Age of Dinosaurs Museum

Look!  Airplane crossing!  This was outside of Winton.  I’ve seen a few of these and finally managed a picture of one.  The most memorable one we saw was on the Queensland coast.  We stopped at a rest area just after the plane sign and while we were there a plane came in for a very low landing right over the top of us.  It was at a crazy angle and I was sure it was crashing!  (It wasn’t!) I’m told … Read More

Tropic of Capricorn: Longreach

posted in: Queensland

Our last morning in Longreach we made a quick stop to take a picture of their Tropic of Capricorn monument (statue? marker?).  We parked our caravan next to this very Australian-looking old train station. We crossed the street in front of this interesting water tower.  You might be fooled into thinking that tree is blossoming with big white blooms, but in reality all those blooms are moving… Because they are birds.  Corellas.  Heaps and heaps of noisy corellas.  We’d seen … Read More

Life in a Caravan: Longreach

In Longreach we stayed at a very busy caravan park. No grass in sight which is common for much of this part of Australia!  The first night we were there we were very lucky to be approached by a pair of brolgas.  I was fascinated.  They weren’t shy and were obviously hoping for a handout.  They approached several people and were not afraid to come right up to us.  They are so big!  It’s so strange to have these creatures … Read More

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