Katherine Gorge – Baruwei Lookout

posted in: Northern Territory

Near the town of Katherine is Nitmiluk National Park.  Actually, until we got closer I’d only heard of it referred to as Katherine Gorge.  The entrance to the park is just 30km outside of Katherine.  We did one short walk while we were there, it was too hot to do much else.  We stopped in the visitor centre on the way in and they told us that if it was 30 degrees there, then it would be 40 degrees up … Read More

A Quick Tour of Our Caravan

posted in: Life in a Caravan

So now that we’ve been on the road for many months, maybe it’s time for a tour of the inside of our caravan!  We have a Bailey Pegasus Ancona, it’s a European six-berth on-road van.  It’s lightweight, we could tow it with the car we already owned.  It was made in the UK to be sold in Australia which means it is made to Aussie standards.  So yes, we even have Aussie plugs inside!  Those who buy their European vans … Read More

A Quick Swim in Bitter Springs

posted in: Northern Territory

On our way to Katherine we made a quick stop near Mataranka to swim in the Bitter Springs.  It’s just off the main highway and it’s such a lovely place.  The water is so clear and the perfect temperature.  You hop in at one end and let the springs carry you to the other end.  You can hop back out and walk up the trail or you can try your luck at swimming against the current.  I have more pictures … Read More

The Devil’s Marbles – Karlu Karlu

posted in: Northern Territory

If you drive the Stuart Highway you literally can’t miss the Devil’s Marbles since the highway cuts right through them.  When we drove south after our stay in Tennant Creek we oooh’d and ahhh’d at the sight and made plans to stop here on our way back north.  I really had my heart set on camping here for a night because the sunset hitting these rocks is supposed to be beautiful.  During peak season this campground fills by early afternoon.  … Read More

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