Seeing the sunrise and the sunset at Uluru is just something you have to do if you visit. You can’t go there and not see them both…except if your kids come down with gastro. Then you might have some issues. We saved sunrise for our last full day at Uluru, the day our parks pass expired. Of course that was the night that TurboBug (2) was sick during the night, necessitating a change of sheets and clothes and…yuck. So I stayed home with him, but the others still made it to the sunrise. (Did you see how I referred to our caravan as ‘home’? We really do call it our home.) The whole point is to see how Uluru changes colours, so you are facing Uluru with your back to the sunrise. It’s early in the morning, so you might actually need those long sleeves, even in September. There’s a nice view of Kata-Tjuta in the distance. Two for one! The nice part about this was the clouds moving through the sky casting shadows on Uluru. Making it look different all the time. Did you get all that? No? Here’s a video. We had a few things to squeeze into that last day. With gastro making the rounds we had to worry about when it was going to hit the rest of us. Gastro in a caravan, not so fun. Okay, gastro anywhere, not so fun.
An Uluru Sunrise
posted in: Northern Territory
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