There’s a fantastic wildlife reserve near Warrnambool, Tower Hill Wildlife Reserve. It’s a great place to see several Aussie animals at once and do some short walks as well. We did the peak climb when we got there, which is a bit strenuous since it’s so steep. The kids were doing all the classic complaining all the way up, I was trying not to laugh too hard. It’s not a long hike at all. ‘But my legs are soooo tired.’ ‘Can’t you carry my water bottle?’ ‘How much further?’ ‘I just want you to carry me.’ All of those times three. Turbobug had the best spot on Dad’s back. There’s a rock at the top that’s just asking for kids to stand on it. Ours obliged with some poses. The view from the top. We saw a couple of emus with chicks. The mums watched us very carefully, they were very protective of their young ones. We went on a walk around a lake. The kids, of course, loved the pile of rocks that was to be spread across the path. Never mind all the amazing things surrounding us, bring on the rocks! See the blue wren? We saw several that day. We even saw a tiger snake curled up by the path. We all walked right past it until Dad pointed it out and we came back for a look, not too close of course. (The snake’s not in the picture below, so don’t hurt your eyes looking for it!)
We had a relaxing time in Warrnambool. The caravan park wasn’t too busy, so the kids were able to ride their scooters all over the place. They’d take the walkie-talkie with them we could keep in touch with them. Most of the people camping around us were there for the same number of days we were so the kids got to know some of them. Ladybug was upset to say goodbye to her new friend (a woman in the van next to us). There’s a stray cat at the caravan park that has figured out how to get people to feed her, she’s friendly and was pretty good with the kids. Apparently she is microchipped and has been returned twice but both times found her way back to the park. She was a little too friendly for us, finding her way into the van one night while we were all playing a game. But the kids loved having a cat around, we miss ours, and Turbobug especially loved the kitty. Even now, two weeks later, he’s looking at the picture below and meowing at the sight of the kitty. 🙂 By the end of our stay we were feeling a bit more settled in the van and ready to move on! Our plan is to head to Mt Gambier in South Australia, with a few stops along the way, and then back to Bendigo for our first Christmas in the van.
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