More cows in Shepparton. They have a Mooving Art exhibition that has local artists painting fiberglass cows that are placed around town. To celebrate the town’s dairy industry, I believe. We had a second visit to Shepparton and I can attest that the cows did move (or mooove) locations. The day we were having our van serviced we had a picnic lunch in a quite visible park. It’s on the way into town and is surrounded by constant traffic. I’m sure we were quite entertaining to those driving by as we took pictures of the painted cows. Not to mention the crew removing the gigantic Christmas decorations from the park’s trees. The kids wanted pictures with their ‘babies’. It was all quite hilarious. This rainbow cow was gorgeous. This cow has the Australian flag on it. I made the kids sit next to it in hopes of a better shot of the flag. Meanwhile, at the car. TurboBug was asleep so somebody had to stay there. See the traffic? It was a busy spot. I was amused to see Australia’s spot near the…um, tail. Who wouldn’t love a construction cow? Parting shot… LadyBug wanted me to take a picture of this spot in the grass because it’s shaped a bit like Australia. 🙂 We saw other cows around town, I wish I’d gotten a picture of the strawberries & cream cow, and the soccer cow, and the bananas in pyjamas cows.
Shepparton: Mooving Art
posted in: Victoria
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