The reason we were in the Point Lonsdale area was to meet up with some of our homeschooling friends. A family we know holidays here every year after school starts. They took us to the beach to watch the big ships enter Port Philip. My toddler wandered up the path so I followed him for a game of hide-and-seek and another view of the beach. There was plenty to explore. Someone learned how to hang on to the boogie board, a skill that came in very handy at the next beach we went to! Later in the day we came back to eat fish and chips on the beach and watch more ships coming and going. The tide had gone out some so there was much exploring to be done. We noticed this seagull with one leg. The boys all took off to one side of the beach. This sea snail was the biggest I’ve ever seen, nearly as big as my hand. The girls explored the other side of the beach. They came back with treasures which they excitedly showed us. This little guy gave me a gorgeous smile. We stayed long enough to watch a cruise ship leave the port. Being with friends was wonderful after a few weeks on the road. You meet plenty of people while travelling but it isn’t the same as hanging out with people you know. The kids absolutely loved seeing their friends and keep saying it’s been the best part of our travels so far. Point Lonsdale, part one Point Lonsdale, part two
Point Lonsdale, part three
posted in: Victoria
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