There are some great signs along the road in Queensland. Not sure where they think we’re headed! There can definitely be a lot of time between towns. I guess I should get a picture of a kangaroo roadsign, not sure I’ve got one of those yet. They are all over the place. I think we’ve seen more signs for kangaroos than actual kangaroos. When we left Mulambin we drove for several days in a row to get all the way up to Cooktown. One of our stops was in Bowen at the Big Mango. We’ve seen some nets crossing the roads at times, I’m not sure if they are for tree kangaroos or other animals or both.
On days that we travel for several hours I sometimes have to get creative to keep TurboBug happy. Pictures did it this day. I’d take a picture and then show it to him. Thank goodness for digital cameras! You can see the boys playing their iPads in the background. They are not always allowed to in the car, but on days where we travel quite a way they usually get at least a little time on them. That scab on Turbobug’s forehead is from falling over into one of the bikes. Ouch!
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