Our Australia Day in Margaret River

Several weeks ago I got some lovely Aussie temporary tattoos for the kids in anticipation of Australia Day.  I hid them away so they’d be a surprise.  Nearly a week past the holiday we still haven’t found them.  They’re in the van somewhere, they’ll show up eventually and we’ll have a nice surprise.  The day before the holiday I grabbed some of the yellow & green ones that were on sale so we survived.  (Yes, survived.  How do you survive … Read More

A new blog design!

Now that I’ve transferred to WordPress I can no longer use the graphics from my old template, so I’ve updated everything with a fresh new design.  I’m still playing around with it a bit and trying to decide if I want to ‘go public’ with this blog.  We’ve only ever given the blog info to a few people here and there.  The idea of sharing our travel memories is a bit unsettling, so I must not be quite ready yet. … Read More

The Perth Zoo, part one

For Christmas we got ourselves a membership to the Melbourne Zoo, which gives us a reciprocal membership to several zoos around the country, including the Perth Zoo.  It was definitely summer while we were in Perth so we checked the weather forecast and chose the coolest day to head to the zoo.  It was still quite warm and we were so glad we hadn’t chosen an even hotter day.  The zoo is located very much in the middle of the … Read More

Welcome to the new blog site!

It’s the same website address, but I’ve transferred everything over from blogger to WordPress and changed a few small things in the design.  I’ve been working on another website and had the hosting already so I thought I’d change this one as well.  It’s been a good learning process for me!  It looks like everything transferred correctly except for the spacing in the blog posts, but I don’t have the inclination to deal with that right now or maybe ever. … Read More

Random Cuteness

After we visited the Perth Mint we stopped in at Nando’s for a quick bite before getting back on the train.  I ended up across the table from little TurboBug and I thought he just might fall asleep there. He was so tired and it was the cutest thing.  Dada started playing with him which is probably all that kept him awake until the food came. There’s that dimple. My boy sitting next to me put his head down too … Read More

A Tour of the Perth Mint

We had been looking forward to the Perth Mint for a long time, ever since our visit to the Canberra Mint back in May.  So it became the first tourist attraction we visited in Perth and we decided we’d take the train to get there.  We weren’t sure what parking would be available and we have a toddler who really, really wanted to ride the train.  In Perth the train track runs down the centre of the freeway and he … Read More

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