The Townsville Aquarium, part 2

Part one is here.  Upstairs at the aquarium there is a hands-on area.   There’s also a playground.  We had a browse around while we waited for the talk to start.  Surprisingly, I don’t actually have pictures of the kids touching the various sea creatures we were allowed to interact with.  I was too busy enjoying the experience and monitoring a two-year-old.  Sometimes you just have to step back from the camera.  We watched the man climb into the tank and … Read More

The Townsville Aquarium

We’ve skipped visiting aquariums until Townsville since we’d heard that this was a good one.  The Reef HQ Great Barrier Reef Aquarium is the world’s largest living coral reef aquarium.  There’s a lot to see with talks scheduled throughout the day.  We were able to attend several of the talks and learn about all these fascinating sea creatures.  Of course, when you see an old diving helmet begging to be worn you must try it on… So much to see … Read More

Townsville Lagoons: Free Swimming All Year Round!

The Strand in Townsville boasts a waterpark at one end and a seawater lagoon at the other.  We visited the waterpark first (no pictures) and the kids loved it because it had one of those huge buckets that dump freezing cold lovely refreshing water on you every couple of minutes.  We also made a visit to the Rock Pool, an enclosed lagoon of ocean water that is filtered continually.  This means you can swim in the salty ocean water without … Read More

The View From Castle Hill

Driving into Townsville you can’t help but notice Castle Hill.  It’s an iconic granite monolith that’s apparently just metres short of being classified as a mountain.  We drove to the top for a view of Townsville from above.  I’ve realised that although I have heaps of pictures of the view, I don’t have any pictures of Castle Hill itself.  You can see pictures of it here.  That means I also don’t have pictures of The Saint painted on the side … Read More

Birthdays in the Caravan!

All the birthdays in our family fall in the second half of the year.  The first three birthdays are weeks apart. TurboBug was up first, turning two.  We were on the Sunshine Coast for his birthday.  We did our best to make the day special for him.  We decorated the caravan while Dad took him for a walk.  We know how much 2yo’s love balloons, so we surprised him with plenty of balloons to play with when he returned. Look … Read More

Wallaman Falls, Tallest Waterfall in Oz!

On our drive to Townsville from Innisfail we drove through Ingham where we stopped for a rest.  We realised we weren’t far from Wallaman Falls, the tallest waterfall in Australia!  We found somewhere to ditch park the van for a few hours and drove inland to have a look.  The road to the falls is steep and not recommended for caravans. There’s a lookout at the top of the falls.  Thank goodness, because we were not prepared for a hike … Read More

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